Wednesday, December 15, 2010

 Here's an update on Bertha. I've transferred her to the breeding tank where Casanova is waiting to "tap" her. =)

Bertha on December 15 (day after her fry drop)

Here is a side by side comparison of Bertha just before she gave birth and after. If you weren't sure about what people meant by "your guppy will start to look boxy or square after the birthing canal as begun to open up" now you can clearly tell from the pictures what that means. =)

The fry are doing well in the baby tank. My shrimp eggs just came in the mail today. Almost every guppy page I've read said its the best food for new fry. I also like the fact that they're less likely to spoil like left over food because what's not eaten will live on until they are eaten =) It's supposed to take 24 hours at least to hatch so they've been eating crushed flake food and shrimp pellets that break up into tiny bites as it dissolves. They go crazy over the shrimp pellets.  They were given to me by the lady who I bought one of my tanks from. All of my tanks are used and came from craigslist. They were fully furnished and with supplies and no where near as pricey as a new one without supplies. I'll update with pics as soon as my shrimp hatch... hopefully... lol

I end today with a pretty guppy pic I found online:
I wish i could find a guppy like this locally. *sigh* He's like a peacock.

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